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Talking to your stylist//

It's hard enough scrolling through pinterest and deciding exactly what you want your locks to look like before your next hair appointment. And even harder to communicate with your stylist/colorist the 'do you have dreamed up in your head/pinterest board. 

Here are a few tips to make it a little easier 

Bring pictures! Saying you have want more blonde could mean so many different things. An ashy blonde? A warmer blonde? These words might not make sense to you but they do to your stylist. Looking at a picture they will know right away what you mean.

There's so many terms and trends to decide from. Sometimes we hear the word balayage so much and think we have to have that, because pinterest says everyone else does. When maybe they don't. The word itself doesn't mean natural. It means free hand. Which does look natural, yes but the look of balayage maybe could be achieved with foils as well. Trust your stylist to know what application is right for your hair.

Understand that not all looks are acheivable in the first appointment. If you have been coloring your hair dark for months and now you're ready for platinum blonde summer hair.... It's gonna take a few times. Have realistic expectations and know that it's a process. 

It's really important to know what kind of service you're asking for when booking your appointment so that there's an appropriate amount of time to achieve the goal. If you ask your stylist to book you for what you think are "a few highlights", you'll likely get put down for a partial foil... And then the "highlights" are actually an ombre, and now that time needs to be doubled. Leaving your stylist frantically trying to squeeze it in, or leaving you having to rebook your appointment and disappointed.

If possible, make an appointment for a consultation. That way you and your stylist are both on the exact same page when it's time for your hair appointment and you'll end up with the result you are paying for. 

Hopefully these tips help you in achieving your next new look! Happy hair days 

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